Calendar of Events and Programs

Wild Ones Columbus hosts free monthly programs for our members and the public. Please note that events will be cancelled in the case of a Level 2 snow emergency.

Wild Ones Columbus has a YouTube channel! Our virtual events are recorded and posted on our YouTube channel. Subscribe to be notified when we post a new video.

Events Archive: 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | Upcoming Events

January 2020


Ohio's Scenic Rivers Program:preserving Ohio's highest quality rivers since 1968

This event has ended
Saturday, January 11th, 2020
to (Eastern Time)
Oakleaf Village of Columbus, 5500 Karl Rd, Columbus, OH, 43229 Map

Presentation: Ohio has one of the oldest scenic river programs in the nation, established in 1968.  But what makes a river “scenic?”  Find out with central Ohio scenic river program manager Heather Doherty.  Learn about the program, what makes these rivers special, plus plants and animals that you are likely to encounter along Ohio streams

Presenter: Heather Doherty

Heather has worked in river conservation and environmental education for twenty years.  She is from Ohio and received a B.A. in biology from Kenyon College.  Prior to joining ODNR as the manager of the Scenic Rivers Program’s central region in 2016, she directed the Kenyon CollegeBrown Family Environmental Center, and worked as a Watershed Coordinator for the Friends ofAlum Creek & Tributaries.

February 2020


Emerald Ash Borer

This event has ended
Saturday, February 8th, 2020
to (Eastern Time)
Oakleaf Village of Columbus, 5500 Karl Rd, Columbus, OH, 43229 Map

Presentation: We will learn about Emerald Ash Borers including their identification and reproduction. Also, information about resistant ash trees will be discussed.

Presenter: Jennifer Koch, PhD

Jennifer Koch is a Research Biologist with the USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station in Delaware, OH.  She has both a M.S. and Ph.D in Molecular Genetics from the Ohio State University.  Her research is focused on the genetics of forest tree resistance to invasive insects and pathogens, developing methods to identify, propagate, and breed resistant trees.  She has successfully developed and implemented a participatory, multi-agency breeding program for beech bark disease resistant American beech trees and her work is currently focused on identifying and breeding for emerald ash borer resistance in ash.

May 2020


Wild Ones Columbus Annual Native Plant Sale

This event has ended
Saturday, May 23rd, 2020
to (Eastern Time)
Whetstone Recreation Center, 3909 N High Street, Columbus, OH, 43214 Map

COVID-19 update: We are still planning to host our Annual Native Plant Sale at the Whetstone Recreation Center. Our volunteers will be wearing face masks or other face coverings for your protection and theirs. We ask that all customers do the same. Tables of plants will be further spread out to facilitate physical distancing and other modifications made as needed. Check out the Wild Ones Native Plant Sale event page for any updates. We look forward to seeing you on May 23rd!

Wild Ones Columbus will again hold its annual native plant sale. It will be in the same location as in the past few years; behind the Whetstone Recreation Center in Clintonville. We will have a lot of plants donated from member gardens as well as plants from Natives in Harmony.

Members will be present to answer questions about plants. Come early for the best selection!

July 2020


Tour: Fern Hollow Farm

This event has ended
Saturday, July 11th, 2020
to (Eastern Time)
Fern Hollow Farm, 5809 Township Road 143 NW, Somerset, OH, 43783 Map

Tour: Fern Hollow Farm: Harmonizing local farming, native pollinators and community with Erik & Olivia Peterson

Description: What if a farm could simultaneously produce nutrient-dense food, regenerate soil and soul, create pollinator habitat, and be a community hub? Join Olivia and Erik Peterson of Fern Hollow Farm as they explore their unique model of permaculture-inspired work.

Address: Fern Hollow Farm, 5809 Township Rd., 143 Somerset, OH 43783

August 2020


Tour: Exploring a Scenic River and Aquatic Macroinvertebrates

This event has ended
Saturday, August 22nd, 2020
to (Eastern Time)
Highbanks Metro Park, Big Meadows Picnic Shelter, 9466 Columbus Pike, Big Meadows Picnic Area, Lewis Center, OH, 43035 Map

Tour: Exploring a Scenic River & Aquatic Macroinvertebrates with Heather Doherty (ONDR)

Description: Experience the Olentangy State Scenic River. Take a walk to explore plants and trees in the river corridor and see how they influence river habitat. Once we arrive at the stream, use a net to explore for aquatic life and learn how the scenic rivers program monitors bugs living in the water as a measure of stream health. We will walk on the trail that follows the river, and be getting in the water to demonstrate how we sample for aquatic macroinvertebrates (or bugs) to monitor water quality. Please dress accordingly and bring waterproof boots, and remember to bring plenty of water to drink and a snack if you think you will need one.

Groups will be limited to 10 people. Participants must wear masks and maintain social distance.

Location details: Highbanks Metro Park (9466 US Rt 23 N, Lewis Center, OH 43035), Big Meadows Picnic Shelter. To get there, drive past the nature center, proceed all the way down a long hill, take the first left onto the Big Meadows loop drive, and park on the left next to the shelter house and play ground.

September 2020


Garden Tour - Dave Marsolo's Garden Members Only

This event has ended
Saturday, September 12th, 2020
to (Eastern Time)
Dave's Garden, Westerville, OH, 43081 Map

Members Only Home/Private Garden Tour

Join us for a tour of Wild Ones Columbus Member Dave Marsolo's late summer native garden! Please bring a mask to wear. This is a members-only event. To become a member, please visit our membership page.


Garden Tour - Karen Martens' Garden Members Only

This event has ended
Saturday, September 26th, 2020
to (Eastern Time)
Karen's Garden, Columbus, OH, 43214 Map

Members Only Home/Private Garden Tour

Join us for a tour of Wild Ones Columbus Member Karen Martens' early fall native garden! Please bring a mask to wear. This is a members-only event. To become a member, please visit our membership page.

October 2020


Native Plant-a-Palooza: Perennials, Shrubs and Trees Fall Sale

This event has ended
Saturday, October 17th, 2020
to (Eastern Time)
Allwood Nature Center, 1000 Aullwood Road, Dayton, OH, 45414 Map

While our October event has been cancelled, you are invited to attend a native plant sale hosted by Leaves for Wildlife. Plants will be sold by Natives in Harmony and Riverside Native Trees. Food, drinks and fall-themed items will be available as well.

Date & Time: Saturday, October 17th | 10am-4pm

Location: Leaves for Wildlife | 1655 N County Road 605, Sunbury, OH

Please RSVP at:

Facebook event page:


Attracting Ohio's Butterflies and Moths to Your Landscape

This event has ended
Tuesday, October 27th, 2020
to (Eastern Time)

Date & Time: October 27th, 2020 | 7:00 - 9:00 PM

Columbus Audubon will be hosting guest speaker Chris Kline for their October meeting. Chris will be sharing his tips for attracting butterflies and moths to your yard in this free, online event.

Event details and registration link:

December 2020


Holiday Gathering

This event has ended
Saturday, December 12th, 2020
to (Eastern Time)
Oakleaf Village of Columbus, 5500 Karl Rd, Columbus, OH, 43229 Map

Oakleaf Village Residents & Wild Ones Columbus Members only

Join us for a fun afternoon of conversation and good food! Gary and Jennifer Kubicki of Oakleaf Village of Columbus will be sharing a presentation as well.