- Wild for Monarchs?Campaign?Designed to harness the power of our national membership and 50 local chapters to educate and advocate for the monarchs and the native plants that support the monarch population and their migration.?http://www.wildones.org/learn/wild-for-monarchs/
Monarch Watch “Monarch butterfly populations are declining due to loss of habitat. ?To assure a future for monarchs, conservation and restoration of milkweeds needs to become a national priority.” ?Chip Taylor, Director, Monarch WatchWild for Monarchs campaign is designed to harness the power of our national membership and 50 local chapters to educate and advocate for the monarchs and the native plants that support the monarch population and their migration.?
- University of Minnesota?Here you will find resources about all things monarchs. From raising monarchs ?to learning about their fascinating?migration.?http://www.monarchlab.org/Lab/
- Journey North?Citizen scientists track the monarch butterfly migration each fall and spring as the monarchs travel to and from Mexico. Report your own observations of migrating butterflies to real-time migration maps. Share data to help scientists understand how monarchs respond to climate and changing seasons. Explore monarch butterfly life cycle, ecology, habitat and conservation needs.http://www.learner.org/jnorth/monarch/
- The Xerces Society ?Butterflies are valuable components of our environment. From the grassland-dependent species of the Pacific Northwest to swallowtails of Central and South America, we work to conserve butterflies and moths throughout the world. The Red List of butterflies and moths assessed the conservation needs of some of the most at risk North American species. The Xerces Society works with state and federal agencies, landowners, and other nonprofit organizations to achieve effective Lepidoptera conservation.?http://www.xerces.org/butterfly-conservation/?
- Monarch Pathways?With the decline in Monarch Butterflies across the US, it?s time to take a stand and create a habitat where our Monarchs can travel to their destination without being harmed by pesticides. We owe it to our future generations to experience their flight across the US firsthand. Land owners across the United States can support ?Monarch Pathways? by working with government agencies to create policies for?NO SPRAY ZONES?creating pathways for Monarchs to travel.?PLANTING MILKWEED, as well as, nectar plants, along the pathways will create a healthy habitat for Monarchs to not only thrive, but reproduce, allowing them the opportunity to rebuild their population.?http://monarchpathways.webs.com/