Calendar of Events and Programs


April 10th: What Bees are These? Incorporating Wild Bees in Our Garden and Landscapes (Virtual)

This event has ended
Saturday, April 10th, 2021
to (Eastern Time)

Wild Ones Columbus Virtual Event:
Dianne Kadonaga (Sunny Glen Garden) presents, "What Bees are These? Incorporating Wild Bees in Our Garden and Landscapes (Virtual)"


Event description:

There are 500 native species of Ohio bees with lifestyles that are very different from honeybees. Understanding them can help us find ways to tweak our garden, landscaping, and farming practices, to be more inclusive and supportive of wild bees, many that are 90% better pollinators than our honeybees or specialize on certain native plants. Pollinator specialization advocate Dianne Kadonaga will provide tips on identifying them, delineating them from flies and wasps, suitable habitat and food sources for them, and explain how mulching, tilling, winter clean up, and other common garden practices destroy native bee habitat. Learn what you can do instead to enhance survival of these vital creatures. Dianne will also share free tools and resources, and demonstrate how you can contribute to citizen science bee projects.

Speaker bio:

Dianne turned her urban grass lawn into a vibrant organic eco-system and permaculture-based edible food forest that provides food and habitat for people, pollinators, and the planet. She only had to go grocery shopping four times in the last year as the garden provided most of her needs. She uses methods that are free or inexpensive, to build soil health, fertilize, get seeds for free, manage pests without chemicals, pesticides, or herbicides, while reducing the need to water or weed. She gets to enjoy a beautiful backyard that is vibrant and full of life of bees, butterflies, insects, and other bugs, birds, and all the creatures, where we all live in harmony and share in the bounty of nature. She has been featured on 10TV and Columbus Dispatch for Zero Waste Families and Eco-friendly lifestyles, and Sunny Glen Garden was presented with the GreenSpotLight award from Mayor Ginther and the City of Columbus in the small business category for demonstrating excellence in sustainable business practices.

Zoom information:

Topic: What Bees Are These? Incorporating Wild Bees in Our Garden and Landscapes
Time: Apr 10, 2021 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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