New Community Project

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In the fall of 2017, Columbus Wild Ones was officially given permission to remove the existing invasive monoculture of Wintercreeper Euonymous and replace with native plants in a garden bed next to the main front entrance to the OSU Ohio Farm Bureau 4H Center building located just west of the Schottenstein Center arena.  In March 2018, OSU Landscape Architect, Stephen Volkmann, approved implementing a plan designed by Brandon Parks using Lanceleaf Coreopsis, Butterfly weed and Prairie Dropseed. On Monday 6/25, Joe Bricker, Cecilia Johnson, Richer Malboeuf, Don Reuter and Cecelia Jokerst began removal of the Wintercreeper Euonymous.  We cleared 2/3 of the bed.  The next planned work sessions are 7/9, 7/10, 7/16, 7/17 all at 7-9pm (anyone is welcome to help).  The replacement plants will be donated by Gale Martin of Nature in Harmony native plant nursery.  The date of implementation is TBD.