

Tour of Ohio Governor's Residence and Heritage Gardens

This event has ended
Tuesday, June 11th, 2019
to (Eastern Time)
Ohio Governor's Residence and Heritage Garden, 358 N Parkview, Bexley, OH, 43209 Map

Please note the date and time change from the original anticipated date.

History: The idea of the Heritage Garden was first conceived in 2000 as a way to showcase Ohio's natural history and environment to the thousands of yearly visitors to the Governor's Residence. Then First Lady, Hope Taft, secured the donated services of a landscape architect and garden designer who developed a master plan that not only highlights the five physiographic regions of Ohio, but also enhances the Jacobean revival architecture of the home and highlights of Ohio botanists and hybridizers. With the help of master gardeners, arboreta, nurseries, universities, state departments, garden clubs and many friends, implementation began in the spring of 2001. The Garden has been named a Monarch Butterfly Waystation and a Certified Wildlife Habitat.

Parking: There is no parking lot. Please Park on side streets.

Important Requirements: An alphabetized list of tour guests must be submitted before the tour. Guests must provide photo ID for admittance. Handbags, purses and backpacks are not permitted on the premises. All members wishing to visit should give their names to Barbara Velez Barbosa or another board member of the Wildones Columbus by June 1. Any questions, contact Carol Allen-Rasoul at 614-558=6501

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