Calendar of Events and Programs


April 17th: Creating Native Plant Month for Ohio and Leading the Way for National Legislation

This event has ended
Saturday, April 17th, 2021
to (Eastern Time)

Event description: April is Ohio Native Plant Month! Learn as one of the creators discusses Ohio Native Plant Month and now National Native Plant Month. She will discuss how this organization was formed, last year's initiatives in the first year, what's planned for this year in Ohio, the process to create National Native Plant Month including the organizations who supported this legislation, and ideas to build awareness of native plants in Ohio.

Speaker bio: Nancy Linz is a life-long Ohio gardener. With degrees in Horticulture from both The Ohio State University and The Pennsylvania State University, Nancy spent many years conducting research and helping to teach university classes. Growing plants in the Penn State greenhouses was the start of her interest in plant propagation. While in college, Nancy served as the National President of the collegiate branch of the American Society for Horticultural Sciences, and a founding member of the National Association for Women in Horticulture.

As a volunteer, Nancy is a member of several garden clubs and associations. She is an active member in the Garden Club of America where she travels the country as a horticulture judge, attending several shows every year including the prestigious Philadelphia Flower Show. She is also heavily involved in the organization's horticulture and plant conservation initiatives.

For the past few years, Nancy worked with Hope Taft to pass legislation designating the month of April as Ohio Native Plant Month. Signed into law on July 18th, 2019, by Governor Mike DeWine, this legislation makes Ohio one of the first states in the country to have a month dedicated to native plants.

Since then, Nancy has been working with several other states to help them create Native Plant Months using the processed developed in Ohio as a template.

Over the past year, Nancy has led the effort to pass a resolution making April 2021, National Native Plant Month. The lead sponsors for Senate Resolution 109 include Senator Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and Senator Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii). On March 25th, 2021, S. Res. 109 received unanimous approval in the Senate, and passed.

Zoom information:

Topic: Creating Native Plant Month for Ohio and Leading the Way for National Legislation
Time: Apr 17, 2021 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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